idazleak eta idazlanak Herri literatura TESTUAK Corpus arakatzailea Klasikoen Gordailuari buruz

Ethorkia eta Ilkhitzea
Pierre Urte
c. 1700; 1894

      [liburua osorik RTF formatuan]
      [Literaturaren Zubitegia]


Bertsio elektroniko honen egilea: Josu Landa Ijurko.

Iturria: The earliest translation of the Old Testament into the basque language (a fragment), Pierre d'Urte (Llewelyn Thomas-en edizioa). Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1894.



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        The text is a reproduction letter for letter and line for line of the MS. The dotted spaces or lines indicate the erasures, which are a characteristic feature of the MS.; they do not indicate omissions of words. The square brackets represent parentheses in the MS. In some cases where letters or words are apparently wrong in the MS., the error is indicated by a difference of type, Italic in the text of the chapters, and Roman in the summaries. Occasionally missing letters or words have been supplied; and this is noted by enclosing them within brackets. The very few lacunae in the Translation are pointed out in the footnotes.


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